


A secondary school in Rwaza with an emphasis on sciences and ecology. They need volunteers to assist the English teachers and encourage the students in IT, internet use, journalism and world events.

They need volunteers to assist the English teachers and encourage the students in IT, internet use, journalism and world events.


Skills & Languages

• We have sent volunteers in the past to two rural schools: one in the village of Birambo, near Kibuye in the west of the country and the other in Rwaza, near Ruhengeri, which is nearer to the capital, Kigali. • Rwanda's recent tragic history is well-known and each person, adult and child, is marked by what has happened. Volunteers need sensitivity, maturity and patience, to be adaptable and able to live simply. They no longer need fluency in French, but some French understanding and speaking would be necessary. • Volunteers will be helping the teachers with the English classes and also getting involved in IT, computing, helping students to use the internet, promoting journalism and knowledge of world events and in general broadening the students' horizons. They need to be fluent English speakers with an interest in a range of creative activities and some teaching ability.
“I never could have imagined the immense joy, happiness, and love these experiences have brought me. I never could have imagined that the Assumption would provide me with such a strong sense of belonging. It is more than just a sense of community, it is a sense of family.”