Mission Year in the Philippines

Two couragous young women from England decided to embark on a journey as international volunteers and travel to South-East Asia for a mission year with the Assumpion. Isabel and Izzy, having just graduated from London universities, chose the Assumpion Catholic gap-year programme to experience something completely different than their usual way of living and working in the UK and Europe. They will be working in Manila and Iloilo with Catholic projects and live in small communities with other lay missionaries.

They heard about the programme through Newman House Catholic University Chaplaincy and there was an immediate enthusiasm to work in a country very different from their own, meet new cultures and put their knowledge and skills to the service of other in need. We got to know one another and after months of preparations they were ready to put out to the deep and journey to the other side of the world. We are rooting for them to have a blessed and enriching year on this mission! They will meet the wonderful Filipino hospitality and kindness, they will experience simple life-style and even poverty, they will visit beautiful places and work hard in their placements. They will be immersed in the Catholic culture and joy-filled, community-oriented way of life in the Philippines, but most of all we hope they will encounter God in their mission-experience, in their communities and through their personal spiritual journey during the coming year.